Emulsifiers & Stabilizers


In chocolate and confectionery, the ability to maximize cost efficiencies, achieve specific flow properties and avoid thickening in low-fat chocolate have always been high priorities. To support these aims, Palsgaard® provides non-GMO chocolate emulsifiers such as PGPR and AMP, which can safely and sustainably supplement or even outperform lecithin. And we offer vegetable fat-based oil binders and crystal promoters to prevent separation, too.

Recognising this, Palsgaard®’s responsibly produced emulsifiers are ready to help you step up to the challenges of:

  • Maintaining product quality
  • Getting more out of your raw materials
  • Using less energy in production
  • Better management of raw material shortages
  • Increased control of harvest variations
  • Greater supply chain control


Palsgaard® AMP 4455:

Is specially designed to make an accurate reduction of the Casson plastic viscosity and yield value. It also offers vast cost reduction possibilities.

Palsgaard® PGPR:

Adjusting your chocolate and confectionery recipes, optimising their flow properties, reducing costs and solving seemingly impossible problems.

Palsgaard® OilBinder 01:

Designed to alleviate oil separation and fat bloom in confectionery fat systems with a high amount of liquid oils.

Palsgaard® CrystalPromoter:

It accelerates the crystallization process to maintain production capacity, even when low-saturated fats are used.

For more information about the products, contact a Meld commercial advisor.

Contact us

Contact information

Adress: 1960 José León Suarez Street. Capital Federal, Argentina. Zip code: 1440

Phone: +54 11 4686-0330

Mail: csc@meld.com.ar

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/meld-s-a