Natural Antioxidant



CA-FORT ™ is formulated with rosemary extract. It has maximum efficacy against color and flavor degradation. CA-FORT ™ is an alternative to synthetic antioxidants traditionally used in food, such as BHA, BHT and TBHQ. CA-FORT ™ has carnosic acid and other phenolic diterpenes in its composition, which are the molecules present in rosemary extract responsible for the protection and extension of the shelf life in food products.

Kemin is one of the largest rosemary producers in the world. It has an integrated vertical chain: it has its own plantations, harvest, extraction and processing. Its competence in plant selection and exclusive extraction process provides a more consistent and homogeneous rosemary extract, with standardized levels of active ingredients. In addition, they are certified with the SCS Sustainably Grown seal of sustainability.

Kemin's CA-FORT ™ is a line of organic rosemary extract.

The rosemary extract-based product line is available in liquid and powder forms, and water- or oil-soluble options.

CA-FORT ™ Rosemary Extract can be used in various foods for oxidation control and rancidity prevention, such as:
  • Cereal-based products
  • Mayonnaise and emulsified sauces
  • Vegetable and animal oils and fats
  • Spice

For more information about the products, contact a Meld commercial advisor.

Contact us

Contact information

Adress: 1960 José León Suarez Street. Capital Federal, Argentina. Zip code: 1440

Phone: +54 11 4686-0330

